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Church Sculpture Our Meeting 26th September 2004


St. Mary's Church, Oxford Street
Church Sculpture
 Barbara Presland and Henry Metzger Back inside our Treasurer, Barbara Presland, was now looking after the collecting bottle and Henry Metzger was well on his way towards recording one and half hours of video.  Henry is sometimes seen without a video camera but this was not one of those rare occasions. At lunchtime tea, coffee and sandwiches were being carried into the knave.  At lunchtime tea, coffee and sandwiches were being carried into the knave.  In medieval times churches were community centres and even had markets held in them.  It was fascinating to see St. Mary's being used in the old style.
Reg had put many photos in albums, so that people could sit and look at them at the refreshments end of the foyer.  There was plenty for young and old alike to pore over. There was plenty for young and old alike to pore over. Tom Larkin makes a point to Bill Pope.  Bill keeps his hand firmly on the collecting bottle.  Tom Larkin makes a point to Bill Pope
John Elwell to the right , Sheila Skitt (left) and Mary King (centre).  And the crowds go on.  That's John Elwell to the right and talking to him are two long-time club members, Sheila Skitt (left) and Mary King (centre).  On the left, the back and camera case of historian Ned Williams, as always observing and recording Black Country life.  Dennis Turner, Alan Bickley John Hughes. Another visitor was Dennis Turner, the local MP.  Here he is with our Chairman, Alan Bickley and transport historian John Hughes. We might run a caption writing competition with this photo.  What do you think each of them is saying?
Megan seemed to be everywhere and doing everything And the tea continued to flow.  Megan seemed to be everywhere and doing everything.  Gill Fellows was in the little kitchen all day, dispensing a steady flow of tea, coffee, biscuits and sandwiches. When not performing this useful service, Gill is a Wolverhampton councillor for Bilston North.

We are grateful to everyone at St. Mary's for making us so welcome and helping to make the day such a success.

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