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St. Leonard's Church

Memories of our meeting, 29th November 2003
at St. Leonard's Church P3

St. Leonard's Church

Terry Cowern and Alf Timmins It was a bit of a day for printers.  We tend to forget that Bilston did a lot of printing.  Here are two printers.  On the left is Terry Cowern, who was with John Wilkes but now runs his own printing business in Newport.  On the right is Alf Timmins who was with John Price for years.  He has written an account of his time there and we hope to have it on the web site before long. Arthur and Margaret Weston And this is Arthur and Margaret Weston.  Arthur worked for more than 40 years at Sankeys and was able to give us a great deal of help in identifying many of the photos which David Squire had lent us.  Margaret was a teacher in Bilston - as was her mother, Mrs. Chance.
We had a raffle, organised by Kathy Kiely and Alma Darby, seen here trying to get our chairman to make the draw.  There were lots of excellent prizes and we are very grateful to all those who donated them. We had a raffle, organised by Kathy Kiely and Alma Darby Here are more members and friends inspecting Sandra's wedding photos display ... Sandra's wedding photos display
Reg Aston on the left and Tom Larkin in the background. ... and that's Reg Aston on the left and Tom Larkin in the background. More people having tea and a chat More people having tea and a chat, including Sandra and Reg, George Philpott and Olive Topliss and her son, Peter.  On the table is Olive's photograph of local volunteers setting off for the Boer War.
So that's the changes I have seen We had had a remarkably good day, so let's end this report with this panel from the bridge just behind the church.  It seems to be about what the Club is about.

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