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Church Sculpture Our Meeting 26th September 2004


St. Mary's Church, Oxford Street
Church Sculpture
Shoes Some of the most remarkable items we have had at our meetings were two pairs of shoes, lent to us by Mrs. Nicolls.. These shoes were displayed in the shoe shop window of her father, Mr. Turner, in Oxford Street, where they advertised the shoe maker's craft. This pair has, on its soles, roses made out of leather, dyed red and black, and outlined with tiny brass nails. Shoe The other pair commemorated the 1937 Silver Jubilee, with portraits of King George V and Queen Mary on the red leather soles and the union jack on the heels, all picked out in the same tiny brass nails. These shoes are a wonderful demonstration of the skills of the shoe maker.  No one seeing these shoes should ever again refer disparagingly to something being "cobbled together". Mrs. Nicholls and her husband, Tony, were both teachers and let us have many photos of the teaching staff at St. Thomas Moore R. C. School, Willenhall.
Alf Lovell brought along this fascinating book, which probably originally belonged to a member of Bilston council. 

It is a collection of the minutes of the Bilston Borough Council Public Works Committee from 1950 to 1957.  It records details of all the building work then being carried out, for example, on council housing, and all the repairs and improvements to roads and sewers.

Alf Lovell Barry Woodberry brought along this book, the accounts of the Bilston Turnpike Trust.  This contains a wealth of invaluable detail about the operation of the trust - but, in Victorian times, someone had used it as a scrapbook.  Every page is covered with prints cut out of magazines such as the Illustrated London News and The Graphic.  This will cause a problem for any archives conservationist.  As a record of the Turnpike Trust it is unique and priceless.  Even as it is, it is a highly remarkable document. Barry Woodberry
Gerald Hanrahan gave a sermon on old Oxford Street In the afternoon Gerald Hanrahan gave a sermon on old Oxford Street, with contributions from many members of the congregation, including our committee members, Alma Darby and Kath Kiely.  There were more jokes and good stories than the traditional sermon has and the talk was very well received. Gerald Hanrahan and Mary Leadbeater Gerald rounded off his talk with a bit of community singing - good old hymns like "Down at the Old Bull and Bush".  This was accompanied by Mary Leadbeater (Kath Kiely's sister) at the piano.  Mary had tinkled the ivories throughout the day.  It was a delightful background for the whole meeting.
Flowers The church had several very splendid arrangements.  These arrangements of poppies and wheat were at the end of each pew.  They make a nice ending to this report too. Flowers