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15th August 2007


Holy Trinity Social Club


And our topic this meeting was:  outings, holidays, day trips and generally getting away from it all.

So the stage was set - with all the sorts of things you need on holiday ... the stage was set ... and Bill Pope was set to check everybody in. Bill Pope was set to check everybody in.
Henry Metzger had set up his boxes of tricks to show suitable videos  Reg Aston had, as ever, produced a great display of photos suitable to the occasion and Henry Metzger had set up his boxes of tricks to show suitable videos. George Phillpott and Ted and Joan Garbett George Phillpott and Ted and Joan Garbett were among early arrivals inspecting another section of Reg's photos. Ted had brought along this excellent collection of tokens from Bilston. We always like members to bring in items of local interest and Ted had brought along this excellent collection of tokens from Bilston.  We must get a full report of these on our web site one day.
Alan Bickley Kath Kiely The Chairman, Alan Bickley, and Committee Member Kath Kiely, were dressed to suit the occasion  ... Alma Darby .. as was our Secretary, Alma Darby;  while her sister, Kathleen, gets on with the work! Kathleen
 Work done and everything ready, Kath takes her seat with Marj Hill, Doris and (to the right) Mavis and Flora. Kath takes her seat with Marj Hill, Doris and (to the right) Mavis and Flora.


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